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05 Dec, 2023


Adapting Effective Family Planning Strategies & Promoting Contraception

Contraception (prevention of pregnancy), gives you the power to plan when to have children. Contraception benefits in several ways such as limiting unsafe abortion practices, lowering the risk of passing HIV from the mother to the fetus, etc.

Contraception helps limit the number of times you wish to bear a child and also benefits from experiencing another unwanted pregnancy right after an abortion. In cases, where people fail to take contraception at the right time and happen to experience a pregnancy, this is when they get an option to buy Mifepristone and Misoprostol Kit online, an FDA-certified abortion kit. Patients are permitted to use medical abortion pills only for early gestations till the 12th week.

Do not assume that using abortion pills would stop you from being pregnant in the future or after an abortion. Abortion pills do not have contraception effects for a longer time hence it is vital to use contraception post-abortion and here is why.

Importance of Contraception After Abortion

Women ovulate shortly after abortion which rises the chances of another pregnancy. It is important to plan your pregnancy to avoid another unplanned and unwanted pregnancy hence an abortion pill user should have access to reliable contraception ways. If you buy Mifepristone and Misoprostol Kit online USA, it will only terminate your existing pregnancy but will have no control over future pregnancies.

Family Planning Strategies

Short-Acting Contraception:

1)    Birth Control Pills – Birth control pills also known as hormonal pills have been broadly used. You can start using these oral contraceptives immediately after ending pregnancy with abortion pills. Continuous use of birth control pills exactly as prescribed can protect you from another pregnancy. It is an immediate kind of birth control method.

2)    IUD – Also called an Intrauterine Device, comes in various types. You can find hormonal intrauterine devices as well as copper IUDs. Both of these types offer the same effects for a longer time. These methods are reversible, efficient, and do not require a lot of maintenance or attention.

3)    Pregnancy Blocking Methods – Since condoms are available for both men as well as women, one should adopt this practice during intercourse if you do not wish to become pregnant. This is also important to prevent STIs. You may use this as a short-term contraception.

Long-Acting Contraception:

1)    Hormonal Contraceptives – There are several efficient ways such as vaginal rings, patch therapy, or hormonal medications which work for longer duration. The only concern with this contraception method is proper and timely use, as well as consistency.

2)    LARCs – It is a reversible contraceptive with longer effects up to 10 years. They are available in two forms which include implanting a device in the inside of upper arm or uterus.

3)    Implants – The contraceptive implants like a hormonal implant are to be planted inside the woman as the name suggests. People who use these contraceptive implants will no longer have to get it checked for years together.

4)    Sterilization Contraception – This is a permanent contraception method for people who decide not to have children in the future any longer. Sterilization procedures are available for both men and women. In the case of men, vasectomy is performed whereas for women, tubal ligation contraception is accomplished.

If at any point you have failed to take contraception at the right time, you must seek out medical help from specialized providers. The next option may be either to buy Mifepristone and Misoprostol tablets online to dislocate and remove the pregnancy or continue to accept your unwanted pregnancy. 

Access to Contraception After Abortion

Access to the right contraception ways and information regarding the same is a major healthcare concern. These initiatives should be taken by social bodies to create health programs that promote awareness, free contraceptive methods to the ones who cannot afford them, lowering the barriers and access to contraception ways, etc. Remember, pregnancy, contraception or abortion is a choice.

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