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03 May, 2023


MTP Kit – Purpose and Results Well Stated

An MTP kit online has a simple function. It helps to cease accidental pregnancies that can occur due to many reasons.

Causes of Unintended Pregnancy

·      Indulging in intercourse without using any contraceptive services

·      Irregular or improper use of birth control measures

·      Failure of the contraceptive 

·      Forced intercourse, etc. 

Identifying a Pregnancy

Before you buy MTP Kit online, it is important to take a blood test, in addition to a home pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy. 

Once you have confirmed your conception, then date your pregnancy accurately by counting from the very initial day of the last menstruation cycle or take the help of a doctor and get a fetal ultrasound done. 

Determine how long you have been carrying. If the pregnancy is not older than 12 weeks, then choose medical abortion (MTP kit). Your other alternative is suction abortion.

Consulting a Medical Professional

If you intend to eliminate your pregnancy before 24 weeks, then approach an abortion provider and get immediate help. For early first-trimester pregnancies, using an MTP kit will be very effective. But before a prescription, your doctor will conduct standard tests like -

·      Ultrasound

·      Blood test

·      Urine test

·      Pelvic examination

·      Analyzing your medical history

·      Current medications, treatments, etc.

All this help to check for conditions that disallow a medical abortion like - ectopic pregnancy, drug allergies to abortion medications Mifepristone and Misoprostol, chronic adrenal glands failure, problems of lungs, kidneys, liver, etc.

Purchase a Cheap MTP Kit

Many online drug stores sell good-quality MTP kits at affordable prices. They are also sold by doctors, hospitals, clinics, etc. Since, an MTP kit is sold only on the recommendation of a licensed medical practitioner, gynecologist, or other abortion provider, get a medical prescription from your doctor to purchase the kit. 

Mode of Usage 

A doctor can recommend an oral, buccal, or vaginal administration of the MTP kit abortion pills. Follow the instructions of your doctor, as they have advised based on your pregnancy test reports, term, overall health, etc.

Generally, the pregnant woman is told to have an oral administration of Mifepristone and a vaginal administration of Misoprostol pills. 

Keeping a time gap of 24 hours to 48 hours, in between the two medications, take 200 mg of Mifepristone first followed by four 200 mcg of Misoprostol.

Necessary Precautions

  • Use an MTP kit of good quality bought from a legit source
  • Avoid breaking the Mifepristone pill or biting on it
  • Clean your hands, fingers, and genitals with water while using Misoprostol
  • Track your bleeding, and report it in case it gets severe
  • Any kind of vaginal insertion should be avoided till your post-abortion bleeding stops
  • Take special care to avoid consuming grapefruit or its juice when using the abortion pill

Side Effects

When you buy MTP Kit online USA and use it, a few common side effects are noticed. While some effects like bleeding may last for 14 to 21 days or longer, the others usually subside in a very short while. If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned below getting adverse with time, then contact your doctor for emergency care.  

Spasms in the abdomen or stomach area



Dizziness, tiredness

Vomiting, nausea

Vaginal bleeding, etc. 


MTP kit results in the embryonic tissues leaving the body within 4 to 5 hours of taking the last abortion pills. Some women may take longer to complete the procedure. For the tissues to pass out your uterus will start having contractions, and you will also experience period-like bleeding. 

Once the entire medical abortion procedure is completed, your uterus becomes empty again and once again starts your period cycle. You will start ovulating as usual, and if you have unprotected intercourse during this period, it may result in a new pregnancy. The final step in using an MTP kit is having a follow-up medical check-up.

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